Saturday, November 22, 2008

Upcoming Event

The maker of New Year Baby Socheata Poeuv is working on amazing and awe-inspiring new project, Khmer Legacies.

Khmer Legacies is creating a video history archive about the Cambodian genocide from the perspective of survivors. The organization has a goal of videotaping thousands of testimonies of Cambodian survivors by having children interview their parents. The archive will then be used as an educational tool to deepen understanding about the Khmer Rouge genocide for researchers, students, and the world.

The mission of Khmer Legacies is to:
  1. provide an opportunity for healing for survivors by witnessing their testimonies – taking a conversation of shame and transforming it into one of heroism
  2. bridge the generational divide between Cambodian parents and their children
  3. prevent future mass atrocities by preserving the history and deepening understanding of the Khmer Rouge genocide for the world.
Khmer Legacies is a non-profit organization incubated at Yale University’s Genocide Studies Program in New Haven, CT.

SwatCambodia is hoping to be bring this remarkable and dedicated woman to Swarthmore to speak a little more about Khmer Legacies. If anyone wants more information you can contact

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